multiple clips selection - more properties

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multiple clips selection - more properties

Post by Zoltán »

ever imported 20+ clips with the wrong default import settings? or just want to mass import some files with a different than default setting?

So please could the transport settings be included in the multi clip editing, this is the biggest for me?
Also the ability to remove streams from all the files at once...
Disabling/enabling RGBA channels.
Dropping the same mask to all files.
Also the effects could be too, so if I drag an effect to multiple selected clips they would all get the effect inserted.
And if the same effect is present on all the clips, it could be listed in the video/audio effects, then tweaked for every clip in one instance.

Also I notice that when selecting clips with different setting values, the value displayed is from the last clip selected.
Propertes with conflicting values could be showed by not having number, active button or slider position displayed at all - I saw that somewhere and it was very clear behavior for me.
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