New Mapping Footage: Cuboid. UrbanFuzz & FermionReturns

This month's release is all about thinking outside of the box and finding new ways to create or project content.

First up is a new artist on the roster, Primal Eyes, who spent many a late night re-inventing the VJ standards, using stencils and a spray can. Nothing but lovely fuzzy texture feels on UrbanFuzz.

Then we have the second release from Muzencab; Cuboid who takes his eyewarping skills to the next level by creating content that you can map to any surface you like.

And then we witness the birth of the Son of Fermion in FermionReturns, the second installment of analog techno magic from Netsliders.

Cuboid Projection Mapping Footage by Muzencab

UrbanFuzz VJ Loops by Primal Eyes

FermionReturns VJ Loops by Netsliders

Posted by bart on Thursday July 18, 2013 at 11:34 Tags: Projection Mapping
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