replacing files fps bug

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replacing files fps bug

Post by yochee »

Hi Resolume Team,

I have a problem with replacing files, lets dig right in:

On a clip slot there was a video file containing audio. But as the HDD is disconnected, this AV-clip is missing.

bug 1:
When I drop a new video file (without sound) to that clip slot, the clip slot will still show the "Replace"-text and the video file isn't playing at all. Tho for a video to play it should not be necessary to have a audio-file connected, at least in clip preview mode as the audio is never played in preview monitor.

bug 2:
Lets assume the missing AV-clip was rendered with 25 fps, and the new video-clip is rendered with 50fps, 16 secs long.
When the missing audio part is removed, the "Replace"-text disappears, and I can see and play the video file, but it is stuttering heavily. The time parameters dont seem to adjusted to the new file (see image below).

I think it would be good to reset time parameters (lenght of clip) when changing the video/audio-file on a clip slot.

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Re: replacing files fps bug

Post by Zoltán »

Thank you for letting us know.

I think the cause of both of these is that when you have an audio track for the clip together with a video clip they are treated as a whole.
So when you have one of the tracks missing the clip won't play at all, partly because of the below explained.

in #2 when joining different length tracks, the audio will take priority, so the video track will play with speed adjusted to the audio clip.
Also when you remove a tack from a clip you'd expect the clip to not changing playback properties, so naturally the video track will keep it's duration and speed (which was adjusted to the audio length)

If you'd like to replace a video track in a clip that's missing audio too, remove the audio track first, then replace the video track. This way your video should play at the speed of the replacement video.
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