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Rotating Input Kills Softedge

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 22:47
by movebandit
When rotating an Input Slice the Softedge dissappears.....Big Problem cause i need to Softedge 2 Projectors that are not in the same angel...any workarounds ? Tried different routings with dummy softedge Slices, but nothing worked as it should...

Re: Rotating Input Kills Softedge

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 00:14
by Joris
Sorry bud. Turns out the math for blending rotated surfaces is ridiculously hard.

If you're desperate, you could try taking your rotated slices and send them 1:1 into a virtual screen each, making each virtual the size of the rotated bounds of its input, blend those virtuals, and then in the actual output screens, slice out the rotated shape from the virtuals and rotate that upright to send to the projector. The physical rotation will put the image straight again, and it should have the blend in the correct corners. Theoretically.

If that is making your head spin, it's exactly what we'd need to calculate for you in offscreen render targets in order to have rotated blends. And it's making our head spin too.

Re: Rotating Input Kills Softedge

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 02:53
by movebandit
oops. I think i got a little dizzy from all that headspinning,layering and virtual screenshooting. But thanks for the help in the earliest morning. Honestly: I dont get it. Tried several options, Routings, madmapper via Sput (only to get the softedge curve as a slice, but doesnt work, alpha is not working as i want to), Mapio etc. Think its time to sleep for a while, but if you could help me in any way with an example: I attached my actual screensetup (doesnt work cause im stuck with the Blending)..... ... 1.xml?dl=0

Re: Rotating Input Kills Softedge

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 09:58
by Joris
Gave it 10 minutes, but no. Pretty sure the theory holds up (you don't even need to rotate the slices first, you can just sample the blend) but the way aspect ratios work in routed slices make it too messy for me on a Tuesday morning.

I hear Madmapper can do rotated blends though. Maybe give that a try?

Re: Rotating Input Kills Softedge

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 10:41
by Joris
Or Blendy maybe?