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Unwanted Mirror Clip

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 01:10
by pfelberg
Yesterday during a GIG I had a couple of clips that at first decided to exchage thumbs by themselves.
Then I noticed that they also had copies and/or mirror clips, loaded into the composition as well.
When I tried to delete one, the mirror was also deleted. Reloading some clips into the same composition slot, recreated the mirrors. Changing the thumbs also updated the mirrors. Selecting one also selected the mirror.
Today, I had another GIG but no issue were reported.
Any clues?


Re: Unwanted Mirror Clip

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 15:49
by Zoltán
We've had a similar issue a while back which should have been fixed.
If you can send us a composition where you see this, that would be great!