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The Roll Transition Center of Rotation?

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 05:54
by yugpmoc
Do this:
In a new empty layer, add a few still images, like logos with transparencies.
Set the transition to roll, x or y.
turn on autopilot
scale the layer down to 20% or so.
stick it in a corner.
Play with the anchor all you want.
Can you make it spin like it should?

Layer position got left out of the calculation of the transition roll, I think...

Re: The Roll Transition Center of Rotation?

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:57
by Joris
Transitions are calculated on the whole composition, so this would be expected behaviour. You can see the same behaviour on the wipes as well.

I guess it can be argued that the Rotation transitions should rotate from layer center, but for the other transitions this wouldn't make sense.

Re: The Roll Transition Center of Rotation?

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 15:18
by yugpmoc
I very often make a project with a resolution several screens big and move layers in and out of the slice via position. It's often a better solution than sending a single layer to a slice. That rolling transition is one of the better ones for logos and such. It certainly would nice if we could scale and move layers around and have them look right when on autopilot. I haven't looked yet, but I'd guess some of the other transitions look wonky too based on your description. The whole point of resolume for me is that you don't have to have things "in the can" you can create on the fly.

I can get the effect I want by setting up a logo layer with autopilot and blank frames between each logo to get rid of the alpha effect. Then using the layer router on another layer to move and scale the result around the screen, but what a pita.

Oh hey, if we could have a toggle to see the cropped and masked slice outlines on the output monitor that would be wonderbar.