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Internal routing via parameter controll ffgl

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 22:17
by Eledtech

I am trying to figure out a way for internal parameter routing / accessing.
For now there is a way over osc with port hussle.

Is that possible in ffgl development to access internal resolume controls?

I would like to develop a effect or generator plug in that allows to
Trigger user defined controls inside resolume.

For example:
A user Dropdown menu for layer choose
A Fader below with Dynamic values to trigger clips in that choose layer.

Thanks alot :)

Best erik

Re: Internal routing via parameter controll ffgl

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 09:52
by Menno
ffgl itself cannot access any controls internal to the host, ffgl doesn't even know what 'resolume' is. As far as ffgl is concerned it's just a self sufficient plugin that gets hosted by some software which in our case is resolume, but there may be other hosts.

You could however implement your ffgl however you see fit. So if you've got a way to get the information you need over osc you could build this into your ffgl plugin. ffgl 2.0 does support dropdowns and faders as well, you'll just need a way to populate those yourself.
One thing you'll notice if you choose this direction is that ffgl parameters are static and cannot be changed once they're created, so you cannot dynamically populate the dropdown depending on what layers are present in the current composition, sorry :(

Re: Internal routing via parameter controll ffgl

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 20:21
by Eledtech
Thanks for that Infos.
I expected that.
Then hopefully this functions will be a future addition inside resolume to not require any plug in.