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Resizeable and/or collapsable layers

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 02:31
by subpixel
Screen space is always a problem for the clip layers. Sometimes a huge amount of space is wasted by a layer that doesn't change (eg a mask layer, colour filter or similar), changes infrequently, or changes in a way that you don't need to be able to see it. I use a bunch of layers for special effects, such as a track matte, where one layer typically only ever has one thing in it (a Layer Router source).

Sometimes also the "busy" layers are a long way apart; it would be great to get the things you actively want to see on the screen together as much as possible. Minimising layers or being able to resize any layer height woul be helpful.

Re: Resizeable and/or collapsable layers

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 00:09
by lotech
Agreed! +1 for layers that can be collapsed to just the file name - and possibly colourised.

Re: Resizeable and/or collapsable layers

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 01:02
by psychodalien
Or maybe grouping layers is a good idea too? Also the option for hiding/showing selected layers - like Adobe Premiere "shy" layers.

Re: Resizeable and/or collapsable layers

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 19:44
by adriancuervo
+1 to collapsable layers. When I build a live cinema setup I use to creater reference or "event launch" layers that don't need to see when performing.

Re: Resizeable and/or collapsable layers

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 00:05
by Zamaroht
+1 to this, screen real state is specially a problem with 1366x768 resolution.