Wishes and Bugs V2

"Where is Feature X? I need Feature X! How can you not have Feature X?"
Met Resolume in a bar the other day
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Jan 15, 2022 12:59

Re: Wishes and Bugs V2

Post by JGP »

-Transport position via sound, envelope
-transport envelope
This is the only thing I was missing so far (If I understood this correctly).
I want the same animation options as for any other parameter.
e.g. speed up the clip on each beat or using the FFT.
This would allow for a GREAT effect.

@dev team
I was initially looking for something like the issue tracker on github to vote for features etc.
Isn't it cumbersome to scrap the forums for user feedback?
Would love to have a structured list of requested features which I can vote for.

Is seriously in love with Resolume. Met the parents and everything
Posts: 331
Joined: Fri Oct 08, 2004 11:48

Re: Wishes and Bugs V2

Post by mfo »

Sure, sure, I believe you :)
But why not have this extremely useful ability added to already existing functionality .. like .. masks.
I mean, masks do have feathering pretty much everywhere else. e.g. in video editing, compositing, design and photo softwares. i will shut up now^^.

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