FFGL 2.0 backwards compatibility

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FFGL 2.0 backwards compatibility

Post by yochee »


as we already lost all the 32bit plugins on the 5/6 update and now with the 6/7 update, it seems like we have to start all over once again. This is kinda frustrating, and as all my current work is based upon shader plugins that I've created, which is why for now I am hesitating to upgrade.

I'd like to ask if you are planning to roll out backwards compatibility for 64bit FFGL 1.5 plugins in a future release of Resolume 7?


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Re: FFGL 2.0 backwards compatibility

Post by Menno »

No we cannot do that sadly :(
FFGL 1.5 plugins are allowed to use OpenGL functionality that the OpenGL 4.1 driver wont allow us to use.

Would a guideline on how to convert glsl 120 shaders to glsl 410 help you?

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Re: FFGL 2.0 backwards compatibility

Post by Eledtech »

I would love to get this guideline to convert shades to 4.1
Visual and led designer at eledtech and aseven night club/Berlin.

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Re: FFGL 2.0 backwards compatibility

Post by Menno »

In Resolume we're using a function to compile and convert outdated shaders, i'll attach it below. We do require shaders to be at least glsl #version 120 and where they're using generic vertex attributes though. If you want to read more about providing generic vertex attributes you can read here http://www.opengl-tutorial.org/beginner ... -triangle/.
It pretty much comes down to not using the fixed function pipeline attributes like gl_Vertex and instead creating your own attributes which you provide using glVertexAttribPointer.

Code: Select all

ShaderCompiler::Result ShaderCompiler::compile( GLenum shaderType, const char* shaderSource )
	std::string patchedSource( shaderSource );

	 * These checks are here to make sure that shaders are in a state that's most easilly upgradable to glsl version 410.
	 * All of these things can already be updated inside an OpenGL 2.1 context. For example instead of gl_Vertex
	 * you should be using generic vertex attributes. Instead of gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix you should be using
	 * the renderer's matrix stack and uniforms.
	rassert( strncmp( shaderSource, "#version ", 9 ) == 0 );                              //Specify the shader version so that we can automatically convert it in the future.
	rassert( patchedSource.find( "gl_Vertex" ) == std::string::npos );                    //Use generic vertex attributes (vPosition)
	rassert( patchedSource.find( "gl_Color" ) == std::string::npos );                     //Use generic vertex attributes (vColor)
	rassert( patchedSource.find( "gl_MultiTexCoord0" ) == std::string::npos );            //Use generic vertex attributes, forward from vertex to fragment shader (vUV1)
	rassert( patchedSource.find( "gl_MultiTexCoord1" ) == std::string::npos );            //Use generic vertex attributes, forward from vertex to fragment shader (vUV2)
	rassert( patchedSource.find( "gl_TexCoord" ) == std::string::npos );                  //Use generic vertex attributes, forward from vertex to fragment shader (vUV1)
	rassert( patchedSource.find( "gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix" ) == std::string::npos ); //Use renderer's matrix stack and custom uniform (WorldViewProj)
	rassert( patchedSource.find( "ftransform" ) == std::string::npos );                   //Use renderer's matrix stack and custom uniform (WorldViewProj * vPosition)
	bool usesMRT = patchedSource.find( "gl_FragData[1]" ) != std::string::npos || patchedSource.find( "gl_FragData[ 1 ]" ) != std::string::npos;
	if( !usesMRT )
		rassert( patchedSource.find( "gl_FragData" ) == std::string::npos );              //Use gl_FragColor if you aren't using MRT. This enables automatic conversion of this shader to #version 410

	//For now always convert all outdated shaders, untill someone will update all the shaders to be version 410 natively.
	if( strncmp( shaderSource, "#version 120", 12 ) == 0 )
		replaceAll( patchedSource, "#version 120", "#version 410" );

		//We do sometimes sample textures in the Vertex shader so replace both in fragment and vertex shaders
		if( shaderType == GL_VERTEX_SHADER  || shaderType == GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER )
			replaceAll( patchedSource, "texture2D(", "texture(" );
			replaceAll( patchedSource, "texture2DArray(", "texture(" );
			replaceAll( patchedSource, "texture2DRect(", "texture(" );

		if( shaderType == GL_VERTEX_SHADER )
			replaceAll( patchedSource, "attribute", "in" );
			replaceAll( patchedSource, "varying", "out" );
		else if( shaderType == GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER )
			replaceAll( patchedSource, "varying", "in" );

			patchedSource.insert( patchedSource.find( "\n" ) + 1, "out vec4 fragColor0;\n" );
			replaceAll( patchedSource, "gl_FragColor", "fragColor0" );
			replaceAll( patchedSource, "gl_FragData[0]", "fragColor0" );
			replaceAll( patchedSource, "gl_FragData[ 0 ]", "fragColor0" );
			if( usesMRT )
				patchedSource.insert( patchedSource.find( "\n" ) + 1, "out vec4 fragColor1;\n" );
				replaceAll( patchedSource, "gl_FragData[1]", "fragColor1" );
				replaceAll( patchedSource, "gl_FragData[ 1 ]", "fragColor1" );
	//Defines support omitted
	//Include support omitted

	Result result;
	result.id = glCreateShader( shaderType );
	if( result.id == 0 )
		result.infoLog = "glCreateShader Failed";
		return result;

	const char* shaderStr = patchedSource.c_str();
	glShaderSource( result.id, 1, (const GLchar**)&shaderStr, NULL );
	glCompileShader( result.id );

	GLint compiled;
	glGetShaderiv( result.id, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compiled );
	if( !compiled )
		//always get log, because it might contain warnings that would
		//give us a clue why a shader won't work
		GLint logLength;
		glGetShaderiv( result.id, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &logLength );
		if( logLength != 0 )
			std::vector< GLchar > log( logLength + 1 );
			memset( log.data(), 0, logLength + 1 );
			glGetShaderInfoLog( result.id, logLength, NULL, log.data() );
			result.infoLog = log.data();
			result.infoLog = "No Driver ShaderError log available.";

		glDeleteShader( result.id );
		result.id = 0;

	return result;

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