Option to NOT conform video duration to audio

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Option to NOT conform video duration to audio

Post by gpvillamil »

Simple request:

Current behavior is that when you add audio to a video clip, the duration of the video is set to match the duration of the audio.

We recently did an install where we wanted a simple UI sound to play whenever a video was triggered. You'd think it would be easy to just drop it on the clip, but of course our sound was very short, and the videos were all different lengths, so everything got messed up.

The interim solution was just to render the sound into the clip.

What would be great would be an option to turn OFF the automatic conforming of video length to the audio.

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Re: Option to NOT conform video duration to audio

Post by Arvol »

Are you adding the audio to it's own layer and blank clip slot? Then just doing a column trigger?

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Re: Option to NOT conform video duration to audio

Post by gpvillamil »

No, we were dropping the audio straight onto the video clip.

I considered adding it to a separate layer and then doing the column trigger thing, but that would make our setup extremely unwieldy, since we have 16 clips that each need to trigger independently (ie each one needs its own layer).

Another option is to place 16 copies of the UI sound on one layer, each copy mapped to the same trigger that fires off the video. That means you couldn't have the sound playing in more than place at once, but it's just a short beep so that wouldn't really matter.

An option to not conform the video to the audio length would be ideal, I've encountered numerous situations where I want to assign a sound effect to a clip that is much longer.

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Re: Option to NOT conform video duration to audio

Post by deflost »

so dear team, if you can do that, please do it with the possibility to give the sound and/or the video an offset from the trigger moment!?
so see the clipfield as an container for sound and video with different behavior.

westfernsehen, leipzig

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Re: Option to NOT conform video duration to audio

Post by Arvol »

I would create a layer above each of the video layers and use that for the audio layers, then map both the audio and video to a single shortcut.


Composite them together in a compositing program (such as premiere).

Personally, I always go the premiere route, and charge my time back to the client ;)

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