Sending Preview to Master output

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Sending Preview to Master output

Post by DHoude »

I was wondering if there could be a way to assemble a "scene" (a couple clips and options) in preview and then send it to the Master output.

I know if I had a controller it would not be much of an issue. But just like DJing, it would be awesome to "cue up" a visual set (more than 1 clip) and choose a way to fade it into the master. Possibly have a way to eject certain layers that are not replaced by another clip on that layer.

Maybe it is possible and I have just not gotten that far :)

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Re: Sending Preview to Master output

Post by DayVeeJay »

I'm not quite sure what you're trying to achieve but it sounds like the crossfader may work for you. Otherwise I've setup a layer specifically for a preview monitor...

Layer 1, 2, 3 are used as normal
Layer 4 is used for a FOH preview monitor. It's opacity is normally at zero and has clips and layer routers so I can preview things on a larger monitor. In advanced output layer 4 is selected as the input and the opacity is ignored. The output is routed to the FOH monitor. If you wanted to show this monitor on the main output you can raise the opacity. Furthermore, the crossfader could be used to fade between layers 1/2/3 and layer 4.

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Re: Sending Preview to Master output

Post by DHoude »

Ultimately I am trying to "pre assemble" my next scene (multiple clips and changing settings for multiple clips). You may be onto something with the cross fader and I will definitely have a look at that.

So far when setting up my decks, I have given great consideration to how I would trigger multiple clips at the same time, while also deselecting previous clips to achieve my next "scene" and only using a mouse. Sometimes the next scene (group of clips) involves playing with parameters. So I have these groups of clips in vertical columns, and column trigger is almost perfect. Except for that I have to trigger the column, which is now live for the crowd. Then I have to mess with parameters of a couple clips, while the audience watches?

I get that settings can be done individually, but that kind of defeats the purpose of a preview. If a preview only works for 1 clip, it just feels like preview could have more potential. If I could preview my column, tweak that full scene (clips in the triggered column) to get the look I am after and fade that in to show it to the crowd. That could be a really great way for VJs with *only a mouse* (which is key here, I already have DJ gear in front of me) to achieve the desired look (in preview) as everything takes longer with a mouse. I prefer to not do all that work while the audience watches or individually on each clip 1 at a time.

As far as your description, I did not fully follow it. But I am a newbie here, so I will fire up the software later and see if I can walk through it. I do like the crossfader idea though and I had not considered that. Ultimately as a DJ I am familiar with that concept. I will just have to try it to see if I can preview my "scene" (triggered column) that way. Which I assume must be possible or it would not exist.

I will say that the "clip specific blend mode" request may be the solution. In cases like the "mask technique" (3 clips, one is B&W, and 2 layer routers). I also had a 1 button Bump flash on the deck too (where the layer router needs "Multiply" blend mode). Then (being new) I can forget to change that back when triggering a Mask column. Now I am fixing a broken scene live. If I could preview... Or if I could set blend modes per clip... Same goal, but blend modes per clip fixes the source and is a better route over all. I would rather not have to troubleshoot as I am already doing 2 jobs, DJ and VJ.

So you see, I would not know that something is wrong with a full scene, as it can only be seen with all layers fully assembled. Previewing that is a baby step, but per clips blend modes. That is the fix.

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Re: Sending Preview to Master output

Post by Zoltán »

you could achieve by duplicating your content layers then with the combination of layer routers (and crossfade maybe) you could preview your layers via the layer router,

suppose you have 3 layers with content and fx the final setup would look like this:

L10 layer router from layer 4
L9 layer router from layers below
L8 content
L7 content
L6 content
L5 black frame with full opacity (ignore column trigger)
L4 layer router from layers below
L3 content
L2 content
L1 content

mixing layer router in L 10 to full opacity would cover L5 to 8 content playing
you would preview, L4 and L9 layer routers.
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Re: Sending Preview to Master output

Post by DHoude »

Interesting approach. Not sure I want to take up that much room with layers because I use a mouse. I need to try some of these ideas this week though.

I was more hoping for the ability do a simple trigger a preview of a column, similar to how you can with a clip. I have some time to test this week and will make a test layout to see. I think the crossfader may be the closest to familiar for me. Beyond that I will have to do some more reading before I get into slices, etc. That will have to wait until after my NYE show. Keeping it simple as this is my first time.

Thanks for all the ideas guys!

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Re: Sending Preview to Master output

Post by DayVeeJay »

I think your best bet would be to use a second computer and a capture card.

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Re: Sending Preview to Master output

Post by sleepytom »

A/B or Program/Preset mixing would be a great improvement to resolume. Maybe this will be a feature of R6?

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