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OSC from Resolume to MagicQ

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 11:37
by nicmune
I'm trying to trigger a a playback in MagicQ from Resolume, to have lights and video synced.

The custom OSC message that i need to send is "/pb/1/go", so in Resolume I've added this message to a clip.
It works fine, the problem is that when I'm clearing the level of the clip the OSC message is sent again and trigger for the second time my PB in MagicQ.

These are the messages captured by Protokol
11:24:02.848 | RECEIVE | ENDPOINT([::ffff:]:63314) ADDRESS(/composition/layers/2/clips/2/selected) INT32(0)
11:24:02.848 | RECEIVE | ENDPOINT([::ffff:]:63314) ADDRESS(/pb/1/go) INT32(3)
11:24:11.130 | RECEIVE | ENDPOINT([::ffff:]:63314) ADDRESS(/composition/layers/2/clear)
11:24:11.142 | RECEIVE | ENDPOINT([::ffff:]:63314) ADDRESS(/pb/1/go) INT32(1)

As you can see after the clearing of the layer 2 I receive again the same message that triggers my PB. Is there a way to prevent it from being sent?

Thanks in advance for every hints you can give me :)

Re: OSC from Resolume to MagicQ

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 02:26
by Arvol
you can send a generic message out on osc and then use something like this:
to build conditions that send out another osc meessage.

Re: OSC from Resolume to MagicQ

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 14:10
by nicmune
Thanks for your hint!
I would have loved to do it inside of Resolume, but for what i'm understanding it's not possible to have a real customized OSC message.

Thanks again!

Re: OSC from Resolume to MagicQ

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 16:34
by Arvol
Using OSC Out, you can make a custom message. But it's just 1 message per instance, so if you want a clip to also change lighting cues, camera selection, and audio on a console, you would need to send out a singe message as a trigger that connects to another listener that sends out multiple messages using something like Chataigne. Alterntativly, you could create more layers/instances/blanks that send out a message per instance but then your UI gets muddy.

Re: OSC from Resolume to MagicQ

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 19:15
by Zoltán
The clip trigger indeed sends out the clip connected state. We have a ticket for this.
The integer value says if the clip is playing.
This has 5 states,
0= empty slot,
1=clip present, not connected or previewed
2=clip previewed, but not connected
3=connected, but not previewed,
4=clip previewed and connected.