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Text Search inside Arena

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2023 05:47
by jim
I had the idea for this last night, I use pretty big decks, well I pretty much only use one deck these days.
I Thought, what would be handy would be if you could search for clips in the composition.

I was starting to write as a feature request, but I thought I would look at the xml of the composition
there are two parameters that define name in Composition.Deck.Clip.Params.Param . These are (default,value).

so I thought I might try and write a script to just search in those parameters and give the option of searching for file names or name in composition.

Screenshot 2023-03-19 at 3.21.29 pm.png
Param value=“????”

<Param name="Name" T="STRING" default=“FILE NAME OR SAURCE NAME” value=“NAME OF CLIP” />

Re: Text Search inside Arena

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2023 05:53
by jim
But it would be good if you could search inside of resolume and have Buttons for < and > to navigate results in resolume, It would be good if could use that scrolling feature (that you can turn on or off in the General Preferences) but when going to search results, have the same behaviour. where the search selects clip as well as scrolling to clips location.
