How to control Resolume Avenue Arena with UDP Commands Directly?

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How to control Resolume Avenue Arena with UDP Commands Directly?

Post by Lumenarius »

Looking to see what path is the best for an upcoming project where an interactive kiosk will use buttons to trigger videos to play in Resolume Avenue or Arena.

About 6 buttons will be routed into a BrightSign XD or XT series media player. This device will detect the button presses and then send UDP commands on a local network.

The project really calls to use this device and I am trying to work through the if and how this project will be viable.

I am familiar with OSC and Resolume but as my research has informed me OSC is a special flavor of communication that rides on UDP whereas UDP itself is an underlying protocol. Is that about right?

This BrightSign player only sends UDP commands. Not OSC. The tech says he can edit the UDP commands to be different values.

With that said can Resolume be controlled directly from these commands?

If so, how? Can this happen natively or is special code, magic, or other hardware needed?

Is enabling this functionality part of the base UI where maybe I am using the OSC mapping in a special way?

ChatGPT tells me I need to write a middleware program in Python to convert these values. But I think that may be overkill and Resolume could do this natively and internally.

Maybe it's about matching up the UDP commands to match the expected OSC values for each clip?

Or, I also see interesting things like the WebServer in Resolume and I am curious if that is part of the solution here?

One last idea, would it be helpful/possible to make a device with say an Arduino, or make a script in Python, that would simulate sending a UDP command on button press/click? That way we could test ahead of time prior to integration?

Thank you for any ideas!

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Re: How to control Resolume Avenue Arena with UDP Commands Directly?

Post by Arvol »

You will need a translator app. Chataigne or TouchDesigner should do the trick.

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Re: How to control Resolume Avenue Arena with UDP Commands Directly?

Post by Lumenarius »

Woah that Chataigne is a wild tool! Great call I think this will do what we need. Sure to learn more but I thank you for the link.

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Re: How to control Resolume Avenue Arena with UDP Commands Directly?

Post by Arvol »

Anytime :)
There's a ton of documentation out there for it.

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