How to trigger clips with video and audio in separate layers, audio blend modes, in Resolume Avenue?

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How to trigger clips with video and audio in separate layers, audio blend modes, in Resolume Avenue?

Post by Lumenarius »

Working through an interactive audio visual installation where I need some help figuring out how to configure Resolume Avenue to the desired effect.

As an overview there is a single "main" loop that has both video and audio that will be playing the entire time. It is on Layer 1.

Then, when people walk in they can push 1 of 6 buttons which will trigger via OSC 1 of 6 "extra" clips that also have video and audio. These are on Layer 2.

If I set the loop mode on the Layer 2 clips to "play once and clear", with the blending mode set to "Add", and a layer transition of about 1 second the whole thing works great as the video will fade in and play then clear and go back to the "main" loop on Layer 1.

However, there is one main issue I am running into and that is how to get the Layer 2 clips to have only their audio present when they are triggered?

Right now both Layer 1 and Layer 2 audio tracks are playing even though only Layer 2 is visible.

I would like it to behave so that when the clips on Layer 2 are triggered the audio from only Layer 2 is playing until the clip clears.

Is there a blend mode for audio?

Is there a straightforward way to have the audio from Layer 1 be muted when clips from Layer 2 play?

Or, do I need to rethink how I am using the layers and perhaps go with a different approach there?

Maybe get weird with some OSC triggers or envelopes on the audio faders for each layer? A bit beyond my experience but willing to learn what is needed to make it work!

Thank you for any tips!

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Re: How to trigger clips with video and audio in separate layers, audio blend modes, in Resolume Avenue?

Post by Arvol »

Layer 1 is by itself, layer 2-3 is in a group.
External OSC triggers the group's column rather than the clips.
For audio transitions, I would use an envelope.
Video in layer 3, audio in layer 2.
Transition time using alpha 'should' fade audio as well.
OSC triggers can also mute layer 1 audio for 'x' seconds (depending on what button is pushed and how long the corresponding clips for said button is in duration)

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Re: How to trigger clips with video and audio in separate layers, audio blend modes, in Resolume Avenue?

Post by Lumenarius »

Thanks for the detailed breakdown Arvol!

I will have to experiment with this further. Can you speak to the OSC triggers muting layer 1? I think that was where I got stuck.

What we ended up doing was to have only 1 layer with the button triggered visuals as clips 1-6 and the ambient loop as clip 7.

After each clip was pressed we overrode the layer determined Autopilot and had the clip instead play clip 7.

That way if clip 2 was triggered it would go back to clip 7 after playing through.

This worked great but I think your approach would yield more specific control.

Thank you!

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