How to select a specific ethernet interface for OSC inside of Resolume Avenue?

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How to select a specific ethernet interface for OSC inside of Resolume Avenue?

Post by Lumenarius »

I was working with a recent project involving some OSC commands over Ethernet Port A and also a live camera over Ethernet Port B while using Resolume Avenue on a Windows 10 machine.

Port A was for OSC at

Port B was for the live camera at

It worked great until we had to unplug and replug the gear and when booted back up the wrong Ethernet interface was selected and it did not appear there was a way to change it or select another.

Luckily we could just unplug and replug things in the opposite order and it went back to being correct.

I also found that if I went into the Win 10 Control Panel I could disable the live camera port and then when I opened up Resolume it was back to being correct.

Both of these workarounds are good to know but with remote installations it can be tricky to disconnect cables from far away and of course we need the camera to be enabled as it is part of the project.

With that is there any way inside of Resolume to select which Ethernet interface to listen to for OSC messages?

Maybe this should be a feature request instead?

I could of course be completely missing a button or drop down menu but was pretty sure I did not see any inside.

Thank you for any tips!

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Re: How to select a specific ethernet interface for OSC inside of Resolume Avenue?

Post by Arvol »

OSC comes through all NIC's. You can setup metric'ing (in Windows) to prioritize what NIC's are preferred to use, but that is on an OS level.

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Re: How to select a specific ethernet interface for OSC inside of Resolume Avenue?

Post by Lumenarius »

Hmmm, I'll have to take a look at that.

When Resolume was pointing towards the incorrect IP interface and IP range it was not working at all.

It was only once we were able to have it point at the right one by disconnecting and reconnecting the ethernet cables in a certain order that it started to work again.

Do you have any idea how we could fix this in the future without having to unplug and replug in the connections?

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Re: How to select a specific ethernet interface for OSC inside of Resolume Avenue?

Post by Arvol »

Order of operation my homie ;)

Startup computer, then check network and configure as needed, then open Resolume.

I typically set my DMX interface to my default interface (laptop for me, so it doesn't ever change).
I also disable any unused NIC's (WIFI, Loopback, etc).
OSC and NDI will come down any NIC where as DMX and TCnet needs to be defined in preferences.

I would get everything configured on an OS level first, then open Resolume. Less problems when working in that order :)

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Re: How to select a specific ethernet interface for OSC inside of Resolume Avenue?

Post by Lumenarius »

So if I am reading this correctly you are suggesting that connecting the hardware in the order that results in the correct Ethernet interface being selected on startup is the most important step?

In some other programs you can select which interface to use with a drop down menu, etc. It does not appear that Resolume has this feature.

So, it seems that to ensure correct operation the order in which these Ethernet cables are plugged in, and/or possibly named in the Control Panel, is the most important step to ensure the correct one is used every time?

Am I reading that right?

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Re: How to select a specific ethernet interface for OSC inside of Resolume Avenue?

Post by Arvol »

How many interfaces are you using during your show?

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Re: How to select a specific ethernet interface for OSC inside of Resolume Avenue?

Post by Lumenarius »

Thanks for the reply. In the project I was using 2 interfaces. One for a live IP cam (10.0.0.x) and another for the OSC messages (192.168.1.x).

These needed to be on separate 1 gig networks as the IP cam took up nearly the entire bandwidth.

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Re: How to select a specific ethernet interface for OSC inside of Resolume Avenue?

Post by Arvol »

How many camera's? What protocol?

You can also assign 2 IP ranges to a single NIC this way: ... s-on-a-nic

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