Best hardware for Resolume

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Best hardware for Resolume

Post by jbl »

This subforum's description is the following:

"What is the best laptop/videocard/harddrive for resolume? These questions are not easily answered but you can discuss them here."

However I fail to find any current discussion on the topic. Isn't this important?

I assume most people run Resolume on a laptop. Nvidia just released their GTX 970M and 980M. It's a bit soon to talk about performance but if anyone is running Resolume on such machine, I'm curious.

Some other questions:

AMD vs Geforce vs Quatro. What works best with Resolume?

GPU specs... What's more important Base clock? Memory clock? Or the amount of memory? How are they used by Resolume?

Real time video is super heavy. It gets even worst if you care about rendering it. I can't be the only one willing to push the limits. Can we get more documentation?

The FAQ seems to be written for 70 years old ipad users, can we get a bit more info? Please.

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Re: Best hardware for Resolume

Post by cosmowe »

hey jbl,
how can anybody discuss or tell anybody about what is "the best" laptop/videocard/harddrive?
In my opinion there are only two ways.

The first way is that one single person or a "company" is proud owner of a huge amount of various pc and mac systems. desirable insofar :P
This person would be able to test/benchmark different hardware in different computer systems with different resolume versions with different system software and driver versions with different mediatypes.
There are so many factors which do have influence to a system performance.

The other way would be that Resolume users test their own systems with a predefined benchmark-test and share their results with the community. .....oh wait? Community Benchmark ;)
Even in this thread it is not possible to say Hardware X + Manufacture Y = xy FPS because of all the differences in system software configuration which can not all be reflect in written down system specs.

Please don't get me wrong jbl...It would be great if there would be a working method to discuss "the best" computer configuration depending on a experience of a user who wrote in the forum that his configuration is one of the best......I would be happy for him that he figured something out that works for him and his special demands on Resolume. This is only one point - His special demands -

Reading and expanding the benchmark thread which was started by joris is a easy and good way to stay informed and to inform.

Best regards

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Re: Best hardware for Resolume

Post by Oaktown »

Well put Cosmowe :D
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Re: Best hardware for Resolume

Post by jbl »

Thank you for your reply cosmowe.

I'm pretty sure it's possible to discuss matters that seem out of reach at first sight. Discussion is theory and aims to push the limits of what we already know. But even if it was impossible to do so, I'm pretty sure the present topic is quantifiable. We're talking about a digital media generated by technological machines. The only limit in documentation here is how many people are motivated to document the topic. Resolume is a company that develops and distribute a software. They test the software and they make money of it. Why would there be any problem testing different hardware and publishing results? You also suggest that a single entity has to own different devices. Why exactly? I understand that everyone's project is going to be quite different. Even with the DXV codec, files with different bitrates, different number of layers, effects and amount of control sent to the software. While this uniqueness of each individual projects will result in different performances here and there, there is still room for comparison and more documentation than is available. There's a difference between discussing a theoretical best and claiming the absolute best.

The Community Benchmark discussion you linked is pretty much what I'm talking about. It's just a matter of making conclusions based on the data. I just assumed such thread would be classified under the "Hardware" category since that's exactly where it should be. I guess this section is about writing APC40 reviews then... Thanks for pointing the direction.

Finally, I don't understand why you'd share with me this quote about the importance of content in one's piece. (As though I'm not aware of the importance of intent... wtf?) I came here in a subforum called "Hardware, What is the best laptop/videocard/harddrive for resolume?" hoping to find more benchmarking information (and I just did, thanks to you) and my post referred only to that topic. So why would you point to me that digital creations are about their content and not their container. That's quite condescending.

Also, if I wanted to discuss content and artistic intentions, A software's forum is definitely not where I'd go!

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Re: Best hardware for Resolume

Post by thedawjones »

You make a good point.
For instance -the reqs for pc don't mention processor minimums.
Minimum System Requirements
Windows 7 or XP: ATI Radeon 9600 or better. NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 or better. 2GB RAM.
Mac OSX 10.4.9 or later. Intel processor. Quartz Extreme graphics card (Resolume is not compatible with integrated Intel graphics processors). 2GB RAM
With regards to what works best, I believe people complicate and confuse this issue with personal preference,
as we see in Cosmowe's post "his special demands" .

I believe we all have similar goals but just take different paths dependent on sources/content/output.

e.g. I never use laptops- I need to be able to replace/upgrade at a component level, cooling issues, drop on the floor issues.

I am interested to see what people use in their setup and why.
What were your needs and how did you address them at the point of purchase?
Peripherals,projectors, capture cards, cams etc. What. How. Why.
Link to said system benchmarks?
Initial budget- how much were you willing to spend on your base computer.
Base system cost?
Total investment?
This is a new thread to start a reference for people who are asking these questions, and to better inform
those making a hardware purchase.

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Re: Best hardware for Resolume

Post by cosmowe »

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Finally, I don't understand why you'd share with me this quote about the importance of content in one's piece. (As though I'm not aware of the importance of intent... wtf?) I came here in a subforum called "Hardware, What is the best laptop/videocard/harddrive for resolume?" hoping to find more benchmarking information (and I just did, thanks to you) and my post referred only to that topic. So why would you point to me that digital creations are about their content and not their container. That's quite condescending.
Just because it is a wonderful sentence... I did not want to upset you.

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Re: Best hardware for Resolume

Post by disconappete »

i can say for certain i love my Eyefinity 6 card.

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I got the best hardware.

Post by fruitygreen »

:D Nvidia Titan graphics card
MSI Big bang Marshall motherboard for the best pci card options and the multi usb3 buses.

It's kinda old now (2yrs), but haven't seen anyone here with better features.

I am just boasting because I want to and
like hammer said "can't touch dis". :roll:

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Re: Best hardware for Resolume

Post by Joris »

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Re: Best hardware for Resolume

Post by fruitygreen »

Joris wrote:Benchmarks or it's not true ;)
I agree

And so I will see how well my stuff goes I suppose.
I got new drives so maybe this time it'll be even faster.

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