AbstractLights by La Manchega  

Don't stare like a deer in the headlights.

A classic analog pack.

Audio by AltBraKz


More Analog Style

From the Videologies creator...

A brand new pack that includes explorations with a recently developed analog video device.

Warning! The AX-23 virus is considered highly contagious. Symptoms include itching, nausea and a craving for human flesh. To minimize risk of infection, avoid contact with the mouth, nose and eyes.

More by La Manchega

Made by La Manchega

La Manchega is a visual creator using colors, shapes and textures.
With over a decade of experience doing live visuals for cultural events such as theatre, music concerts and multimedia performance, she has traveled and worked throughout Europe as well as some countries in Asia and Africa.


This footage may only be used for live performances. It may not be recorded, broadcast or streamed on the internet. The live performance in which this footage is used CAN be recorded, broadscast or streamed. It may be copied to 2 computers maximum. Read the entire Resolume footage license. Contact us for alternative licenses.