REST API & Webserver

The Resolume REST API can be used to create applications that communicate with the Resolume web server. Arena, Avenue and Wire will function as a web server that can receive commands from an external application.

Using the API you can:

  • Add/Remove/Clear Columns, Layers and Groups.
  • Manage Effects for Composition, Groups, Layers and Clips.
  • Retrieve thumbnails for Clips.
  • List all available effects and sources.
  • Subscribe to changes to the composition and parameters using a web socket connection.
  • Much more...

You can find the Arena and Avenue API reference here and the Wire reference there.
Note that if you are running a Resolume webserver while on the reference page you can send commands from the reference to the webserver for quick and easy testing.

Getting Started

To start a Resolume web server you must navigate to the Arena, Avenue or Wire tab and select preferences. Next, navigate to the web server tab. 

Here you’ll find your IP address as well as a button to enable the web server.

After you’ve enabled the web server you can click on your IP address, this brings you to the default landing page (or custom one, but we’ll get to that in a bit).

Ports & Addresses

Below the web server toggle you’ll find the Listen Port and Listen Address.

This can be modified to suit your needs, but by default Arena and Avenue will listen to port 8080 and Wire will listen to 8081 and address

If for some reason the default IP address is not working for you, you can change the listen address to the correct IP address to fix this.

Note that the default address might not a real IP address(, but instead will listen to all IP addresses active on the network. If you want to work exclusively with the local host you can use instead or run ipconfig in your terminal to find your private ip address.

Root Directory

Here you can customize your root directory if needed.

All devices that have access to the web server have access to this folder.

It is possible to customize your landing page here as well by creating an index.html file and placing it in the root directory.

Note that the root directory is not allowed to have a folder that is called API. Doing so will implode the internet and you don't want that on your conscience.

Also note that when a path that accesses the web server and ends with a forward slash(/) get special treatment. In this case it will look for a file called index.html in that folder.

Examples & Reference

At the bottom of the panel you can find examples. These are browser based applications that can be used to test whether the web server is running properly (and because they’re just cool).

Lastly you’ll find the reference documentation here that will give you a list of available commands for your version of Arena, Avenue or Wire. Note that you can communicate with the webserver through the documentation page. This is a great tool for learning how the API works. It will also provide you with some ready to go JSON blobs and http-requests.

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