
Sources generate content on the fly and are an alternative to video clips.
Sources need to be loaded the same as audio and video content.

They can be loaded through the Sources Panel or created by using quick search.

To use a source from the Sources panel, simply drag it from the panel onto an empty clip.
You can preview the source by double clicking it.

To use the quick search methode, simply double click the handle of an empty clip and select the source you want from the menu.

Source Properties

Once placed, the properties for the Source will be available in the Clip tab.
All Sources have a few shared properties, but most paramaters will be unique to the source.


Like Stills, Sources have a Duration. This can be set in seconds or beats, depending on the Playback mode. This can be used to include the Source in an Autopilot sequence. The duration will also be used when rendering the clip.

Transform and Composite

Sources also have the regular options to Scale, Position and Blend the clip like Video or Still files.


You can add and remove sources to the favorites tab by pressing the heart icon while hovering over the source. This gives you quick and easy acces to all your favourite sources.


The Video Router allows you take the output of a single layer or the layers below the router into another layer.  On Arena, groups can also be used as input.

This can be useful for complex projection mapping setups or to simply display the same clip simultaneously with different effects.

The preview window output can be selected as an input as well.

The Input options show the sources by their names, the selection will refer to the index of the selected item.

Input Opacity / Bypass

The toggles for Input Bypass/Solo and Input Opacity are only functional when a specific layer or group is selected as input. They serve as a pre-fader / post fader switch. 

For instance, when Input Opacity is disabled, the router will continue to show the input layer, even when the input layer's opacity is faded down. This is useful to avoid rendering another pass of a layer on top of itself.

Capture Devices

Capture devices are used to take input from other hardware into Resolume. For instance, your laptop's webcam will show up as a capture device.

You can read all about capture devices on the Live Inputs page.


These are essentially virtual video patch cables. They're so awesome that they got their very own page in the manual.