Saving, Consolidating & Copy For Sharing

After you have made a patch, whether it be an experiment or a masterpiece, you want to save it. Wire offers multiple ways of saving and sharing your patches. In this article we’ll explain each of them.


Saving seems to be the most obvious way to store your patch, and it is.

When saving, your patch will be stored in ~/(My) Documents/Resolume Wire/Patches/ on your computer.

Your saved patches are listed on the Wire welcome window for quick access every time you start Wire.


When you consolidate a patch, via the Patch menu > Consolidate... then the patch is saved into a folder together with all its resources. This is a good way to keep your files together.

Copy For Sharing

When you select any number of nodes and right click them, there will be an option to copy for sharing. This will turn your patch into a big mess of text that you can copy and paste onto a forum, chat channel, private message or your diary. The other user can copy that text and paste it into Wire (right click on an empty spot on the patch and paste). This is the quickest way to share patches among users.

--begin-wire-patch-- 294.3ocyP1jSCCCDE9pTlcHkT4+cR1gREGAjPHVjDaHVjXiRbJsTk6NSRQH1WUotw1yn26Mi+NAMAu21DcA+HT7xqIfOXr3yS.Y4nJFGb0SwysdK3ioitusKEwieh2fepu1N.Iv9ptIrAOaNAh1Cw+oYs7OEvygoMFmYiKdGLipqCSdy5.Zst2aQmTVdB7kyDagBljj.GfhbAcqLSKYBAUPTLYBbDGWNcKgyU4m6go0zUMhgAZsJWyTxTdIcWpPo2k9flwRIOVJUJIOiqEvh7PyGn78NiMrTijHV4iK6ClVqyXr9eQSU+x5WF56s90OjcXDIGtiYTgVjqUZJQIUnO5UidOEbcUWN3Xb0MI3XWMvUjd+ESMojbCRMz3fcLLMzrBr44ePZrBhR

Copy the above text including -- begin-wire-patch-- and --end-wire-patch -- (or just press the Copy button.

Open a patch in Wire and paste it in. Voila!

Take note that external resources like images will not be copied.

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